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2013 Doula Bag Memories

December 31, 2013

2013 Doula Bag Memories


If my doula bag could talk I think it would have this to say about 2013.


2013 was a busy year for me.  Thanks for letting me share some of my memories....

  • 3 times I got to the hospital room, but the baby arrived before I could even be opened! 
  • The spare set of clothes was used in May, but not washed and returned until June.
  • I was left in a hot van for days on end waiting for a client with a history of fast labors
  • The Battery Operated Candles were used at almost every birth
  • The snacks supply seem to come and go, sometimes I carried lots of snacks and sometimes not many at all.  The mocha flavored almonds must not have been a bit because they remain untouched and are probably stale. 
  • I visited several homes during prenatal appointments and private childbirth classes where I got a chance to show off my contents.
  • I was left on the hospital floor too many time to count.  I really prefer sitting on a shelf when I visit a hospital. Have you seen what ends up on those floors?
  • The Portable Ice Bin was sometimes returned to the bag wet (I don't like when that happens)
  • Honey Sticks were popular this year and seemed to disappear as soon as they were stocked. Apparently doulas and their children like them too.
  • 2013 was the year of FLAIR for me.  I now wear a tiny Uterus Pin and a tiny Placenta Pin along with my doula button. Now I really look like a doula bag and not just a backpack
  • The end of October and beginning of November were insane.  I traveled to different 4 hospitals and was used at 5 births.
  • My new friend is the Peanut Ball.  She seems to travel with me to most births.  She usually gets left in the car, but we get her if we need her. 

I wonder what adventures I'll go on in 2014!

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