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Grow your doula library

October 16, 2013

Stay up to date with your reading materials

A peek at the library at Preparing for Birth

If you are like many doulas that I know, you might only be reading books of the birth variety.  I am embarrassed to say that I can't remember the last time I read a book cover to cover that wasn't related somehow to birth.

The world of birth is everchanging.  New books are published every year that cover the topic of birth and doula work.  There are so many great books out there.  We all know those by Ina May and Penny Simkin of course, but what about the others that might not be on the top of all of the doula required reading lists?

Here are a few of my favorites:

Journey Into Motherhood is my favorite natural birth story book. I like to let clients borrow this book when they aren't sure about natural birth, but want to know more.  I think it can really boost a mom who might not have any connections with other mothers who have given birth naturally.

Keep the Fires Burning is a great book written by a doula covering the important topics of burnout, stress and self-care.  I found it very inspirational and really rang true to me.

Natural Hospital Birth is a wonderfully practical guide to giving birth naturally in a hospital.  Moms can read Ina May, but can most of them relate to her?  I think some moms can't read about a beautiful homebirth and apply what they read to their plan for birthing in the hospital.

What are your favorites? Please share!  I am always interested in expanding my collection.



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