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February 05, 2013
Sunday afternoon my client gave birth after I had provided 58 hours of support spanning 4 days (38 hours of continuous support Sat-Sun). This was my longest to date. I came home and wanted to spend a little time with the family before going to bed and it didn't go too well. I crashed on the couch and my family decided to take another funny photo of me with my doula sign. They were so excited to show me the photo this morning. I had to share because I know most of you can related to the post birth crash.
How do you recover from a long birth (also called a birth hangover)?
I would like to say that spend the days after a long birth pampering myself. Ideally I would get a massage, drink lots of water, eat healthy food and go to bed early.
In reality, I eat a lot of yummy comfort food, drink coffee to get through the day, take a hot bath and stay up late catching up on everything that I go behind on while at the long birth. I try to give myself a break and not expect to be back at 100%.
For the rest of the week I will probably say (or write) 1,000 times "my apologies, I am recovering from a long birth."
January 20, 2014
Thank you for posting this! What a perfect description of the post birth experience. When I read this I said, “Oh my gosh, that’s exactly how I feel!”.
July 08, 2013
This pictured cracked me up for all its TRUTH. I remember coming home from a 30+ hour birth myself that ended in c section. I walked in the door, a zombie, and my husband handed me a hot plate of food, then tucked me into bed, drew all the shades, turned on the white noise and left to the park for hours with our 3 kids. At some point I was aware of him tucking my 11 month old in with me to nurse and sleep for the night. :) THAT’S a doula’s husband right there. Good man!! We love our work and when we’re done we love our SLEEP!! To recover from a birth hangover I don’t get out of my sweats/pj’s the entire day, my 4 kids watch a lot of netflix that day and I take a nap, I drink a lot of Recharge, and move as little as possible. :) Thanks for posting!
May 19, 2013
[…] My husband was immediately supportive (thank goodness he didn’t REALLY know what the life of a doula looked like!!). I had a few friends and family which were encouraging, but many people […]
February 05, 2013
I wonder if people who don’t know you’re a doula think you have an incredible amount of children :)
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Rakemah Brooks
October 25, 2017
Thank you so much for this post…. I am waking up the morning after my first Doula experience and was trying to figure out what this is I was feeling last night and still this morning: “doula hangover” lol. After making sure mother and baby were good and settled at the hospital, I felt like I needed pampered! So reassuring to See this post and know this is a normal after Doula feeling! :) thanks again